This is the retainer based process for working on goals that will take longer than a few weeks.

The Process

The structure is essentially the same, what we focus on will follow specific protocols depending on where you are, what you need and where you are going. This one size fits all approach has a structure that will open the door to limitless possibilities because it’s open to amendments.

The Rates

If you’re interested in working with me please contact me.

That said I do not work on an hourly rate. I never want to be in a position of looking at the clock to tell you our session is over. I also never want you to feel like you can’t text or call if you’re in a bind.

Payment is required after the on boarding call.

  • On Boarding Call

    • A review of any and all materials I requested prior to this call.

    • Identifying what our goals are and putting dates on the calendar.

    • Understanding what to expect of me and what to expect of yourself.

    • Familiarization with any exercises and practices when needed.

    • Review of any materials that you will be asked to read or watch.

  • Weekly follows

    • Typically done through email

    • You’ll be expected to give me an honest reporting of the last week.

    • After reviewing your report I will answer any questions. Make adjustments, give extra exercises or materials as needed to make sure you stay on track to meet your goals.

  • Follow up calls

    • Typically bi-weekly

      • After you send your weekly report we will schedule a short call to talk.

      • I want to hear your voice and make sure you’re on track and being true to your mission.

    • I will follow up these calls with an email just like weekly follows.

  • On Call

    • I am always on call for emergencies via text message.

      • This is just in case you get lost during the week.

  • Wrap Up Call

    • We will review where you have been, where you’re going and make sure you hit your goals.

    • If there are new goals that you need help with we will start the process over again.

  • Time Commitment

    • This will be unique to every individual or company based on goals.

    • If you’re highly motivated and discipline you can achieve a lot in a month.

Disclaimer: Some goals are solely dependent on the time and work you put in, other goals may be less tangible and will require self reflection which is a skill we will go over to some degree in every case. Change takes time. Where you are when you start this process will determine how long it will take. In some cases you will only need me to get you going, but in every case this will be an ongoing journey for you. It’s your life and/or business, I can help you navigate and make it easier but you have to live it for yourself.